Class ShapeProcessor (version 0.18)

Description: The shape processor (boolean, sizing, merge on shapes)

The shape processor implements the boolean and edge set operations (size, merge). Because the shape processor might allocate resources which can be reused in later operations, it is implemented as an object that can be used several times. The shape processor is similar to the EdgeProcessor. The latter is specialized on handling polygons and edges directly.

Class overview


Method Overview

merge( Layout layout, Cell cell, unsigned int layer, ref Shapes out, bool hierarchical, unsigned int min_wc, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Merge the given shapes from a layout into a shapes container
boolean( Layout layout_a, Cell cell_a, unsigned int layer_a, Layout layout_b, Cell cell_b, unsigned int layer_b, ref Shapes out, int mode, bool hierarchical, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Boolean operation on shapes from layouts
size( Layout layout, Cell cell, unsigned int layer, ref Shapes out, int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode, bool hierarchical, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Sizing operation on shapes from layouts
size( Layout layout, Cell cell, unsigned int layer, ref Shapes out, int d, unsigned int mode, bool hierarchical, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Sizing operation on shapes from layouts
Edge[ ] merge( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], unsigned int min_wc )Merge the given shapes
Polygon[ ] merge_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], unsigned int min_wc, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Merge the given shapes
Edge[ ] merge( Shape in[ ], unsigned int min_wc )Merge the given shapes
Polygon[ ] merge_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], unsigned int min_wc, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Merge the given shapes
Edge[ ] boolean( Shape in_a[ ], CplxTrans trans_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], CplxTrans trans_b[ ], int mode )Boolean operation on two given shape sets into an edge set
Polygon[ ] boolean_to_polygon( Shape in_a[ ], CplxTrans trans_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], CplxTrans trans_b[ ], int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Boolean operation on two given shape sets into a polygon set
Edge[ ] boolean( Shape in_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], int mode )Boolean operation on two given shape sets into an edge set
Polygon[ ] boolean_to_polygon( Shape in_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Boolean operation on two given shape sets into a polygon set
Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int d, unsigned int mode )Size the given shapes
Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode )Size the given shapes
Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int d, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Size the given shapes
Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Size the given shapes
Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], int d, unsigned int mode )Size the given shapes
Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode )Size the given shapes
Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], int d, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Size the given shapes
Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )Size the given shapes
assign( ShapeProcessor other )Assign the contents of another object to self
[const] ShapeProcessor dupCreates a copy of self.
destroyExplicitly destroy the object
[const] bool destroyedTell, if the object was destroyed

assign( ShapeProcessor other )

Description: Assign the contents of another object to self

This method assigns the contents of another object to self. This is a deep copy that does not only copy the reference but the actual content.

boolean( Layout layout_a, Cell cell_a, unsigned int layer_a, Layout layout_b, Cell cell_b, unsigned int layer_b, ref Shapes out, int mode, bool hierarchical, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Boolean operation on shapes from layouts

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the boolean operations. This implementation takes shapes from layout cells (optionally all in hierarchy) and produces new shapes in a shapes container.

layout_a:The layout from which to take the shapes for input A
cell_a:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes for input A
layer_a:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes for input A
layout_b:The layout from which to take the shapes for input B
cell_b:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes for input B
layer_b:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes for input B
out:The shapes container where to put the shapes into (is cleared before)
mode:The boolean operation (see EdgeProcessor)
hierarchical:Collect shapes from sub cells as well
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Edge[ ] boolean( Shape in_a[ ], CplxTrans trans_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], CplxTrans trans_b[ ], int mode )

Description: Boolean operation on two given shape sets into an edge set

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the boolean operations. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set.

in_a:The set of shapes to use for input A
trans_a:A set of transformations to apply before the shapes are used
in_b:The set of shapes to use for input A
trans_b:A set of transformations to apply before the shapes are used
mode:The boolean operation (see EdgeProcessor)

Edge[ ] boolean( Shape in_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], int mode )

Description: Boolean operation on two given shape sets into an edge set

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the boolean operations. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set.

This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in_a:The set of shapes to use for input A
in_b:The set of shapes to use for input A
mode:The boolean operation (see EdgeProcessor)

Polygon[ ] boolean_to_polygon( Shape in_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Boolean operation on two given shape sets into a polygon set

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the boolean operations. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set.

This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in_a:The set of shapes to use for input A
in_b:The set of shapes to use for input A
mode:The boolean operation (see EdgeProcessor)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Polygon[ ] boolean_to_polygon( Shape in_a[ ], CplxTrans trans_a[ ], Shape in_b[ ], CplxTrans trans_b[ ], int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Boolean operation on two given shape sets into a polygon set

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the boolean operations. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set.

in_a:The set of shapes to use for input A
trans_a:A set of transformations to apply before the shapes are used
in_b:The set of shapes to use for input A
trans_b:A set of transformations to apply before the shapes are used
mode:The boolean operation (see EdgeProcessor)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners


Description: Explicitly destroy the object

Explicitly destroy the object on C++ side if it was owned by the Ruby interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by Ruby, this method will do nothing.

[const] bool destroyed

Description: Tell, if the object was destroyed

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.

[const] ShapeProcessor dup

Description: Creates a copy of self.

Edge[ ] merge( Shape in[ ], unsigned int min_wc )

Description: Merge the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the merge method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set.

This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in:The set of shapes to merge
min_wc:The minimum wrap count for output (0: all polygons, 1: at least two overlapping)

Edge[ ] merge( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], unsigned int min_wc )

Description: Merge the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the merge method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set.

in:The set of shapes to merge
trans:A corresponding set of transformations to apply on the shapes
min_wc:The minimum wrap count for output (0: all polygons, 1: at least two overlapping)

merge( Layout layout, Cell cell, unsigned int layer, ref Shapes out, bool hierarchical, unsigned int min_wc, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Merge the given shapes from a layout into a shapes container

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the merge method. This implementation takes shapes from a layout cell (optionally all in hierarchy) and produces new shapes in a shapes container.

layout:The layout from which to take the shapes
cell:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes
layer:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes
out:The shapes container where to put the shapes into (is cleared before)
hierarchical:Collect shapes from sub cells as well
min_wc:The minimum wrap count for output (0: all polygons, 1: at least two overlapping)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Polygon[ ] merge_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], unsigned int min_wc, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Merge the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the merge method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set.

This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in:The set of shapes to merge
min_wc:The minimum wrap count for output (0: all polygons, 1: at least two overlapping)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Polygon[ ] merge_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], unsigned int min_wc, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Merge the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the merge method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set.

in:The set of shapes to merge
trans:A corresponding set of transformations to apply on the shapes
min_wc:The minimum wrap count for output (0: all polygons, 1: at least two overlapping)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

size( Layout layout, Cell cell, unsigned int layer, ref Shapes out, int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode, bool hierarchical, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Sizing operation on shapes from layouts

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing operation. This implementation takes shapes from a layout cell (optionally all in hierarchy) and produces new shapes in a shapes container.

layout:The layout from which to take the shapes
cell:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes
layer:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes
out:The shapes container where to put the shapes into (is cleared before)
dx:The sizing value in x-direction (see EdgeProcessor)
dy:The sizing value in y-direction (see EdgeProcessor)
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)
hierarchical:Collect shapes from sub cells as well
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set.

in:The set of shapes to size
trans:A corresponding set of transformations to apply on the shapes
dx:The sizing value in x-direction
dy:The sizing value in y-direction
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)

Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], int d, unsigned int mode )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set. This is isotropic version that does not allow to specify different values in x and y direction. This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in:The set of shapes to size
d:The sizing value
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)

Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set.

This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in:The set of shapes to size
dx:The sizing value in x-direction
dy:The sizing value in y-direction
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)

size( Layout layout, Cell cell, unsigned int layer, ref Shapes out, int d, unsigned int mode, bool hierarchical, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Sizing operation on shapes from layouts

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing operation. This implementation takes shapes from a layout cell (optionally all in hierarchy) and produces new shapes in a shapes container. This is the isotropic version which does not allow to specify different sizing values in x and y-direction.

layout:The layout from which to take the shapes
cell:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes
layer:The cell (in 'layout') from which to take the shapes
out:The shapes container where to put the shapes into (is cleared before)
d:The sizing value (see EdgeProcessor)
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)
hierarchical:Collect shapes from sub cells as well
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Edge[ ] size( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int d, unsigned int mode )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces an edge set. This is isotropic version that does not allow to specify different values in x and y direction.

in:The set of shapes to size
trans:A corresponding set of transformations to apply on the shapes
d:The sizing value
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)

Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set.

This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in:The set of shapes to size
dx:The sizing value in x-direction
dy:The sizing value in y-direction
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int dx, int dy, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set.

in:The set of shapes to size
trans:A corresponding set of transformations to apply on the shapes
dx:The sizing value in x-direction
dy:The sizing value in y-direction
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], CplxTrans trans[ ], int d, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set. This is isotropic version that does not allow to specify different values in x and y direction.

in:The set of shapes to size
trans:A corresponding set of transformations to apply on the shapes
d:The sizing value
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners

Polygon[ ] size_to_polygon( Shape in[ ], int d, unsigned int mode, bool resolve_holes, bool min_coherence )

Description: Size the given shapes

See the EdgeProcessor for a description of the sizing method. This implementation takes shapes rather than polygons for input and produces a polygon set. This is isotropic version that does not allow to specify different values in x and y direction. This version does not allow to specify a transformation for each shape (unity is assumed).

in:The set of shapes to size
d:The sizing value
mode:The sizing mode (see EdgeProcessor)
resolve_holes:true, if holes should be resolved into the hull
min_coherence:true, if minimum polygons should be created for touching corners