Index (version 0.18)

Class overview



!= (class Text)Inequality
!= (class LayerInfo)Compare two layer info objects
!= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Inequality
!= (class Annotation)Inequality operator
!= (class LayerProperties)Inequality
!= (class DText)Inequality
!= (class SimplePolygon)Inequality test
!= (class Trans)Inequality test
!= (class Box)Inequality
!= (class DCplxTrans)Inequality test
!= (class Polygon)Inequality test
!= (class DEdge)Inequality test
!= (class DTrans)Inequality test
!= (class ICplxTrans)Inequality test
!= (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Inequality
!= (class Shape)Inequality
!= (class DBox)Inequality
!= (class Edge)Inequality test
!= (class CellInstArray)Compare operator for inequality
!= (class ArgType)Inequality of two types
!= (class DPoint)Inequality test operator
!= (class DPolygon)Inequality test
!= (class DPath)Inequality test
!= (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Comparison of iterators - inequality
!= (class Point)Inequality test operator
!= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Inequality
!= (class Path)Inequality test
!= (class InstElement)Inequality of two InstElement objects
!= (class Instance)Inequality of two Instance objects
!= (class DSimplePolygon)Inequality test
!= (class CplxTrans)Inequality test
& (class DBox)Intersection of boxes.
& (class Box)Intersection of boxes.
* (class DBox)Convolve boxes.
* (class DPoint)Scaling by some factor
* (class DTrans)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
* (class Box)Convolve boxes.
* (class ICplxTrans)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
* (class Trans)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
* (class CplxTrans)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
* (class DCplxTrans)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
* (class Point)Scaling by some factor
+ (class DPoint)Add one point to another
+ (class Point)Add one point to another
+ (class DBox)Join box with a point.
+ (class Box)Join box with a point.
+ (class DBox)Joining of boxes.
+ (class Box)Joining of boxes.
- (class Point)Subtract one point from another
- (class DPoint)Subtract one point from another
< (class DPath)Less operator
< (class Box)Less operator
< (class Text)Less operator
< (class Polygon)Less operator
< (class Edge)Less operator
< (class ICplxTrans)A sorting criterion
< (class DPoint)"less" comparison operator
< (class DBox)Less operator
< (class Point)"less" comparison operator
< (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Comparison
< (class DTrans)A sorting criterion
< (class CellInstArray)Less operator
< (class CplxTrans)A sorting criterion
< (class DEdge)Less operator
< (class Trans)A sorting criterion
< (class Instance)Provide an order criterion for two Instance objects
< (class DText)Less operator
< (class DCplxTrans)A sorting criterion
< (class DPolygon)Less operator
< (class Path)Less operator
< (class InstElement)Provide an order criterion for two InstElement objects
== (class DEdge)Equality test
== (class Text)Equality
== (class CellView)Equality: compares the cell the view points to, not the path
== (class DText)Equality
== (class DCplxTrans)Equality test
== (class Shape)Equality
== (class DBox)Equality
== (class InstElement)Equality of two InstElement objects
== (class Instance)Equality of two Instance objects
== (class Polygon)Equality test
== (class DPolygon)Equality test
== (class Path)Equality test
== (class Box)Equality
== (class LayerPropertiesNode)Equality
== (class LayerPropertiesNode)Equality
== (class DPath)Equality test
== (class DPoint)Equality test operator
== (class LayerInfo)Compare two layer info objects
== (class Point)Equality test operator
== (class ArgType)Equality of two types
== (class CplxTrans)Equality test
== (class Edge)Equality test
== (class ICplxTrans)Equality test
== (class CellInstArray)Compare operator for equality
== (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Equality
== (class DTrans)Equality test
== (class SimplePolygon)Equality test
== (class Trans)Equality test
== (class LayerProperties)Equality
== (class Annotation)Equality operator
== (class DSimplePolygon)Equality test
== (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Comparison of iterators - equality



a (class Instance)Return the displacement vector for the 'a' axis
a (class CellInstArray)Return the displacement vector for the 'a' axis
AbstractMenuThe abstract menu class
action (class AbstractMenu)Get the reference to a Action object associated with the given path
ActionThis class implements an event handler for a menu event
ActionBaseAn action
active_cellview_index (class LayoutView)Get the index of the active cellview (shown in hierarchy browser)
add_cell (class Layout)Add a cell with the given name
add_cell (class SaveLayoutOptions)Add a cell (plus hierarchy) to be saved
add_cellview_list_observer (class LayoutView)Add a cellview list observer
add_cellview_observer (class LayoutView)Add a cellview observer
add_cell_visibility_observer (class LayoutView)Add a cell visibility observer
add_current_view_observer (class MainWindow)Add an observer for the "current view changed" event
add_file_open_observer (class LayoutView)Add a file open observer
add_layer (class SaveLayoutOptions)Add a layer to be saved
add_layer_list_observer (class LayoutView)Add a layer list observer
add_new_view_observer (class MainWindow)Add an observer for a "new view" event
add_selection_changed_observer (class LayoutView)Add a selection observer
add_stipple (class LayoutView)Add a stipple pattern
add_transient_selection_changed_observer (class LayoutView)Add a transient selection observer
add_viewport_changed_observer (class LayoutView)Add a viewport changed observer
angle (class ICplxTrans)Read accessor for the angle
angle (class DTrans)Accessor to the angle in units of 90 degree
angle (class Trans)Accessor to the angle in units of 90 degree
angle (class CplxTrans)Read accessor for the angle
angle (class DCplxTrans)Read accessor for the angle
angle= (class ICplxTrans)Write accessor for the angle
angle= (class CplxTrans)Write accessor for the angle
angle= (class DCplxTrans)Write accessor for the angle
angle_any (class Annotation)angle_any code used by the angle_constraint method
angle_constraint (class Annotation)Return the angle constraint attribute.
angle_constraint= (class Annotation)Set the angle constraint attribute.
angle_diagonal (class Annotation)angle_diagonal code used by the angle_constraint method
angle_global (class Annotation)angle_global code used by the angle_constraint method.
angle_horizontal (class Annotation)angle_horizontal code used by the angle_constraint method
angle_ortho (class Annotation)angle_ortho code used by the angle_constraint method
angle_vertical (class Annotation)angle_vertical code used by the angle_constraint method
animation (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the animation state
animation (class LayerProperties)Get the animation state
animation= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the animation state
animation= (class LayerProperties)Set the animation state
AnnotationThis class implements an "annotation object"
ApplicationThe application object
area (class DPolygon)The area of the polygon
area (class Polygon)The area of the polygon
area (class DBox)Compute the box area
area (class Box)Compute the box area
area (class DSimplePolygon)The area of the polygon
area (class SimplePolygon)The area of the polygon
ArgTypeThe description of a type (argument or return value)
array_member_trans (class InstElement)Returns the transformation for this array member
array_trans (class Shape)Get the array instance member transformation
ascend (class LayoutView)Ascend upwards in the hierarchy.
assign_hole (class DPolygon)Set the points of the given hole of the polygon
assign_hole (class Polygon)Set the points of the given hole of the polygon
assign_hull (class DPolygon)Set the points of the hull of polygon
assign_hull (class Polygon)Set the points of the hull of polygon
at_end (class RecursiveShapeIterator)End of iterator predicate
at_end? (class LayerPropertiesIterator)At-the-end property
at_top? (class LayerPropertiesIterator)At-the-top property



b (class CellInstArray)Return the displacement vector for the 'b' axis
b (class Instance)Return the displacement vector for the 'b' axis
bbox (class SimplePolygon)Return the bounding box of the simple polygon
bbox (class Edge)Return the bounding box of the edge.
bbox (class DSimplePolygon)Return the bounding box of the simple polygon
bbox (class DPath)Return the bounding box of the path
bbox (class Cell)Retrieve the bounding box of the cell
bbox (class Shape)Compute the bounding box of the shape that is referenced
bbox (class Polygon)Return the bounding box of the polygon
bbox (class LayerPropertiesNode)Compute the bbox of this layer
bbox (class DEdge)Return the bounding box of the edge.
bbox (class DPolygon)Return the bounding box of the polygon
bbox (class CellInstArray)The bounding box of the array
bbox (class Path)Return the bounding box of the path
bbox_per_layer (class CellInstArray)The bounding box of the array with respect to one layer
bbox_per_layer (class Cell)Retrieve the per-layer bounding box of the cell
begin_layers (class LayoutView)Begin iterator for the layers
begin_shapes (class Layout)Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the given cell on the given layer
begin_shapes_overlapping (class Layout)Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the given cell on the given layer using a region search
begin_shapes_touching (class Layout)Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the given cell on the given layer using a region search
bgn_ext (class DPath)Get the begin extension
bgn_ext (class Path)Get the begin extension
bgn_ext= (class Path)Set the begin extension
bgn_ext= (class DPath)Set the begin extension
bookmark_view (class LayoutView)Bookmark the current view under the given name
boolean (class ShapeProcessor)Boolean operation on two given shape sets into an edge set
boolean (class ShapeProcessor)Boolean operation on shapes from layouts
boolean (class EdgeProcessor)Boolean operation for a set of given edges, creating edges
boolean (class ShapeProcessor)Boolean operation on two given shape sets into an edge set
boolean (class EdgeProcessor)Boolean operation for a set of given polygons, creating edges
boolean_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Boolean operation for a set of given edges, creating polygons
boolean_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Boolean operation on two given shape sets into a polygon set
boolean_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Boolean operation for a set of given polygons, creating polygons
boolean_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Boolean operation on two given shape sets into a polygon set
bottom (class Box)The bottom coordinate of the box
bottom (class DBox)The bottom coordinate of the box
bottom= (class Box)Set the bottom coordinate of the box
bottom= (class DBox)Set the bottom coordinate of the box
BoxA box class
box (class LayoutView)Return the displayed box in micron space
box (class Shape)Instantiate the box object
box_mode (class SaveLayoutOptions)Specifies how to treat BOX records
BrowserDialogThe HTML browser dialog
BrowserSourceThe BrowserDialog source for "int" URL's
b_abort (class MessageBox)b_abort constant describing the respective button label
b_cancel (class MessageBox)b_cancel constant describing the respective button label
b_ignore (class MessageBox)b_ignore constant describing the respective button label
b_no (class MessageBox)b_no constant describing the respective button label
b_ok (class MessageBox)b_ok constant describing the respective button label
b_retry (class MessageBox)b_retry constant describing the respective button label
b_yes (class MessageBox)b_yes constant describing the respective button label



cancel (class LayoutView)Cancel all edit operations
cancel (class MainWindow)Cancel current editing operations
can_copy (class Class)True if the class offers assignment
cell (class Layout)Address a cell by index
cell (class CellView)Get the reference to the target cell currently addressed
CellThe cell object
CellInstArrayA single or array cell instance
cells (class Layout)Return the number of cells
cellview (class LayerProperties)Access to the the cellview index
cellview (class LayoutView)Get the cellview object for a given index
cellview (class LayerPropertiesNode)Access to the the cellview index
CellViewA "cell view" reference
cellviews (class LayoutView)Get the number of cellviews
cell_by_name (class Layout)Get the cell index for a given name
cell_index (class CellView)Get the target cell's index
cell_index (class Cell)The cell index accessor method
cell_index (class ObjectInstPath)Accessor to the cell index of the cell that the selection applies to.
cell_index (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Get the current cell's index
cell_index (class Instance)Get the index of the cell this instance refers to
cell_index (class CellInstArray)Get the cell index of the cell instantiated
cell_inst (class InstElement)Accessor to the cell instance (array).
cell_inst (class Instance)Get the basic CellInstArray object associated with this instance reference.
cell_name (class Layout)Get the name for a cell with the given index
center (class Box)The center of the box
center (class DBox)The center of the box
checkable= (class ActionBase)Make the item(s) checkable or not
checkable= (class Action)Make the item(s) checkable or not
checked= (class Action)Check or uncheck
checked= (class ActionBase)Check or uncheck
child_cells (class Cell)Report the number of child cells
child_index (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Obtain the index of the child within the parent
child_inst (class ParentInstArray)Retrieve the child instance associated with this parent instance
child_instances (class Cell)Number of child instances
ClassThe interface to the declarations of classes and methods
clear (class Cell)Clear the shapes on the given layer
clear (class Shapes)Clear the shape container
clear (class LayerMap)Clears the map.
clear_annotations (class LayoutView)Clear all annotations on this view
clear_config (class LayoutView)Clear the local configuration parameters
clear_dither_pattern (class LayerProperties)Clear the dither pattern
clear_dither_pattern (class LayerPropertiesNode)Clear the dither pattern
clear_fill_color (class LayerPropertiesNode)Reset the fill color
clear_fill_color (class LayerProperties)Reset the fill color
clear_frame_color (class LayerProperties)Reset the frame color
clear_frame_color (class LayerPropertiesNode)Reset the frame color
clear_insts (class Cell)Clear the instance list
clear_layers (class LayoutView)Clear all layers
clear_lower_hier_level (class LayerPropertiesNode)Disable a lower hierarchy level specification
clear_lower_hier_level (class LayerProperties)Disable a lower hierarchy level specification
clear_shapes (class Cell)Clear all shapes in the cell
clear_source_name (class LayerPropertiesNode)Remove any stream layer name specification from this layer
clear_source_name (class LayerProperties)Remove any stream layer name specification from this layer
clear_stipples (class LayoutView)Remove all stipple pattern
clear_transactions (class LayoutView)Clear all transactions
clear_upper_hier_level (class LayerProperties)Disable a upper hierarchy level specification
clear_upper_hier_level (class LayerPropertiesNode)Disable a upper hierarchy level specification
clone_current_view (class MainWindow)Clone the current view and make it current
closed (class BrowserDialog)Callback when the dialog is closed
close_all (class MainWindow)Closes all views
close_current_view (class MainWindow)Close the current view
cls (class ArgType)Specifies the class for t_object.. types
cm_adjust_origin (class MainWindow)'cm_adjust_origin' action (bound to a menu)
cm_bookmark_view (class MainWindow)'cm_bookmark_view' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cancel (class MainWindow)'cm_cancel' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cell_delete (class MainWindow)'cm_cell_delete ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cell_hide (class MainWindow)'cm_cell_hide' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cell_rename (class MainWindow)'cm_cell_rename ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cell_select (class MainWindow)'cm_cell_select' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cell_show (class MainWindow)'cm_cell_show' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cell_show_all (class MainWindow)'cm_cell_show_all' action (bound to a menu)
cm_clear_layer (class MainWindow)'cm_clear_layer ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_clone (class MainWindow)'cm_clone' action (bound to a menu)
cm_close (class MainWindow)'cm_close' action (bound to a menu)
cm_console (class MainWindow)'cm_console' action (bound to a menu)
cm_copy (class MainWindow)'cm_copy' action (bound to a menu)
cm_cut (class MainWindow)'cm_cut' action (bound to a menu)
cm_dec_max_hier (class MainWindow)'cm_dec_max_hier' action (bound to a menu)
cm_delete (class MainWindow)'cm_delete' action (bound to a menu)
cm_delete_layer (class MainWindow)'cm_delete_layer ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_edit_boolean (class MainWindow)'cm_edit_boolean ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_edit_layer (class MainWindow)'cm_edit_layer ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_edit_merge (class MainWindow)'cm_edit_merge ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_edit_size (class MainWindow)'cm_edit_size ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_exit (class MainWindow)'cm_exit' action (bound to a menu)
cm_goto_position (class MainWindow)'cm_goto_position' action (bound to a menu)
cm_help_about (class MainWindow)'cm_help_about' action (bound to a menu)
cm_inc_max_hier (class MainWindow)'cm_inc_max_hier' action (bound to a menu)
cm_last_display_state (class MainWindow)'cm_last_display_state' action (bound to a menu)
cm_layout_props (class MainWindow)'cm_layout_props' action (bound to a menu)
cm_load_bookmarks (class MainWindow)'cm_load_bookmarks' action (bound to a menu)
cm_load_layer_props (class MainWindow)'cm_load_layer_props' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_add_missing (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_add_missing' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_delete (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_delete' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_expand_all (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_expand_all' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_group (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_group' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_hide (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_hide' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_insert (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_insert' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_regroup_by_datatype (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_regroup_by_datatype' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_regroup_by_index (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_regroup_by_index' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_regroup_by_layer (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_regroup_by_layer' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_regroup_flatten (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_regroup_flatten' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_remove_unused (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_remove_unused' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_rename (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_rename' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_select_all (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_select_all' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_show (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_show' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_sort_by_dli (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_sort_by_dli' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_sort_by_idl (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_sort_by_idl' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_sort_by_ild (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_sort_by_ild' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_sort_by_ldi (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_sort_by_ldi' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_sort_by_name (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_sort_by_name' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_source (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_source' action (bound to a menu)
cm_lv_ungroup (class MainWindow)'cm_lv_ungroup' action (bound to a menu)
cm_manage_bookmarks (class MainWindow)'cm_manage_bookmarks' action (bound to a menu)
cm_max_hier (class MainWindow)'cm_max_hier' action (bound to a menu)
cm_max_hier_0 (class MainWindow)'cm_max_hier_0' action (bound to a menu)
cm_max_hier_1 (class MainWindow)'cm_max_hier_1' action (bound to a menu)
cm_new_cell (class MainWindow)'cm_new_cell' action (bound to a menu)
cm_new_layer (class MainWindow)'cm_new_layer' action (bound to a menu)
cm_new_layout (class MainWindow)'cm_new_layout' action (bound to a menu)
cm_next_display_state (class MainWindow)'cm_next_display_state' action (bound to a menu)
cm_open (class MainWindow)'cm_open' action (bound to a menu)
cm_open_current_cell (class MainWindow)'cm_open_current_cell ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_open_new_view (class MainWindow)'cm_open_new_view' action (bound to a menu)
cm_open_too (class MainWindow)'cm_open_too' action (bound to a menu)
cm_pan_down (class MainWindow)'cm_pan_down' action (bound to a menu)
cm_pan_left (class MainWindow)'cm_pan_left' action (bound to a menu)
cm_pan_right (class MainWindow)'cm_pan_right' action (bound to a menu)
cm_pan_up (class MainWindow)'cm_pan_up' action (bound to a menu)
cm_paste (class MainWindow)'cm_paste' action (bound to a menu)
cm_reader_options (class MainWindow)'cm_reader_options' action (bound to a menu)
cm_redo (class MainWindow)'cm_redo' action (bound to a menu)
cm_redraw (class MainWindow)'cm_redraw' action (bound to a menu)
cm_reload (class MainWindow)'cm_reload' action (bound to a menu)
cm_restore_session (class MainWindow)'cm_restore_session' action (bound to a menu)
cm_save (class MainWindow)'cm_save' action (bound to a menu)
cm_save_as (class MainWindow)'cm_save_as' action (bound to a menu)
cm_save_bookmarks (class MainWindow)'cm_save_bookmarks' action (bound to a menu)
cm_save_current_cell_as (class MainWindow)'cm_save_current_cell_as ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_save_layer_props (class MainWindow)'cm_save_layer_props' action (bound to a menu)
cm_save_session (class MainWindow)'cm_save_session' action (bound to a menu)
cm_screenshot (class MainWindow)'cm_screenshot' action (bound to a menu)
cm_select_cell (class MainWindow)'cm_select_cell' action (bound to a menu)
cm_select_current_cell (class MainWindow)'cm_select_current_cell' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_flip_x (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_flip_x ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_flip_y (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_flip_y ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_free_rot (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_free_rot ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_move (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_move ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_rot_ccw (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_rot_ccw ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_rot_cw (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_rot_cw ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_sel_scale (class MainWindow)'cm_sel_scale ' action (bound to a menu)
cm_setup (class MainWindow)'cm_setup' action (bound to a menu)
cm_show_properties (class MainWindow)'cm_show_properties' action (bound to a menu)
cm_undo (class MainWindow)'cm_undo' action (bound to a menu)
cm_zoom_fit (class MainWindow)'cm_zoom_fit' action (bound to a menu)
cm_zoom_fit_sel (class MainWindow)'cm_zoom_fit_sel' action (bound to a menu)
cm_zoom_in (class MainWindow)'cm_zoom_in' action (bound to a menu)
cm_zoom_out (class MainWindow)'cm_zoom_out' action (bound to a menu)
coincident? (class DEdge)Coincidence check.
coincident? (class Edge)Coincidence check.
color (class Marker)Get the color of the marker
color= (class Marker)Set the color of the marker
commit (class LayoutView)End a transaction
compress (class DSimplePolygon)Compress the simple polygon.
compress (class SimplePolygon)Compress the simple polygon.
compress (class DPolygon)Compress the polygon.
compress (class Polygon)Compress the polygon.
contains? (class Edge)Test whether a point is on an edge.
contains? (class Box)"contains" test
contains? (class DBox)"contains" test
contains? (class DEdge)Test whether a point is on an edge.
contains_excl? (class DEdge)Test whether a point is on an edge excluding the endpoints.
contains_excl? (class Edge)Test whether a point is on an edge excluding the endpoints.
context_path (class CellView)Get the cell's context path
CplxTransA complex transformation
cplx_trans (class CellInstArray)Get the complex transformation of the first instance in the array
cplx_trans (class Instance)Get the complex transformation of the instance or the first instance in the array
create_layout (class LayoutView)Create a new, empty layout
create_layout (class MainWindow)Create a new, empty layout
create_other_layers= (class LoadLayoutOptions)Specifies whether other layers should be created.
critical (class MessageBox)Open a critical (error) message box
crossed_by? (class Edge)Check, if an edge is cut by a line (given by an edge)
crossed_by? (class DEdge)Check, if an edge is cut by a line (given by an edge)
ctrans (class Trans)The transformation of a distance
ctrans (class DCplxTrans)The transformation of a distance
ctrans (class CplxTrans)The transformation of a distance
ctrans (class DTrans)The transformation of a distance
ctrans (class ICplxTrans)The transformation of a distance
ctx_cell (class CellView)Get the reference to the context cell currently addressed
ctx_cell_index (class CellView)Get the context cell's index
current (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Access to the current element
current_layer (class LayoutView)Get the current layer view
current_view (class MainWindow)Return a reference to the current view's object
current_view_index (class MainWindow)Return the current view's index
cv_index (class ObjectInstPath)Accessor to the cellview index that describes which cell view the shape or instance is located in



datatype (class LayerInfo)Read accessor for the datatype
datatype= (class LayerInfo)Set the datatype
DBoxA box class
dbu (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the explicit database unit if one is set
dbu (class Layout)Database unit read accessor
dbu= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Set the database unit to be used in the stream file
dbu= (class Layout)Database unit write accessor
DCplxTransA complex transformation
DEdgeAn edge class
delete_item (class AbstractMenu)Delete the item given by the path
delete_layer (class LayoutView)Delete the layer properties node
delete_layer (class Layout)Delete a layer
descend (class LayoutView)Descend further into the hierarchy.
deselect_all_layers (class SaveLayoutOptions)Unselect all layers: no layer will be saved
disp (class DTrans)Accessor to the point
disp (class Trans)Accessor to the point
disp (class DCplxTrans)Accessor to the point
disp (class CplxTrans)Accessor to the point
disp (class ICplxTrans)Accessor to the point
disp= (class DCplxTrans)Write accessor to the point
disp= (class ICplxTrans)Write accessor to the point
disp= (class CplxTrans)Write accessor to the point
distance (class Edge)Distance between the edge and a point.
distance (class Point)The euclidian distance to another point
distance (class DPoint)The euclidian distance to another point
distance (class DEdge)Distance between the edge and a point.
distance_abs (class DEdge)Absolute distance between the edge and a point.
distance_abs (class Edge)Absolute distance between the edge and a point.
dither_pattern (class Marker)Get the stipple pattern index
dither_pattern (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the dither pattern index
dither_pattern (class LayerProperties)Get the dither pattern index
dither_pattern= (class Marker)Set the stipple pattern index
dither_pattern= (class LayerProperties)Set the dither pattern index
dither_pattern= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the dither pattern index
doc (class Class)The documentation string for this class
doc (class Method)The documentation string for this method
DoubleValueEncapsulate a floating point value
down_first_child (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Move to the first child
down_last_child (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Move to the last child
DPathAn path class
DPointA point class with double (floating-point) coordinates
DPolygonA polygon class
DSimplePolygonA simple polygon class
DTextA text object
DTransA simple transformation
dx (class DEdge)The horizontal extend of the edge.
dx (class Edge)The horizontal extend of the edge.
dx_abs (class DEdge)The absolute value of the horizontal extend of the edge.
dx_abs (class Edge)The absolute value of the horizontal extend of the edge.
dy (class DEdge)The vertical extend of the edge.
dy (class Edge)The vertical extend of the edge.
dy_abs (class DEdge)The vertical extend of the edge.
dy_abs (class Edge)The vertical extend of the edge.



each (class Shapes)Get all shapes
each (class Shapes)Get all shapes
each_annotation (class LayoutView)Iterate over all annotations attached to this view
each_argument (class Method)Iterate over all arguments of this method
each_cell (class Layout)Iterate the unsorted cell list
each_cell_bottom_up (class Layout)Iterate the bottom-up sorted cell list
each_cell_top_down (class Layout)Iterate of the top-down sorted cell list
each_child_cell (class Cell)Iterate over all child cells
each_class (class Class)Iterate over all classes
each_edge (class Shape)Iterate over the edges of the object
each_edge (class Polygon)Iterate over the edges that make up the polygon
each_edge (class DSimplePolygon)Iterate over the edges that make up the simple polygon
each_edge (class DPolygon)Iterate over the edges that make up the polygon
each_edge (class SimplePolygon)Iterate over the edges that make up the simple polygon
each_inst (class Cell)Iterate over all child instances (which may actually be instance arrays)
each_inst (class ObjectInstPath)Yield the instantiation path
each_method (class Class)Iterate over all methods of this class
each_object_selected (class LayoutView)Iterate over each selected geometrical object, yielding a ObjectInstPath object for each of them
each_object_selected_transient (class LayoutView)Iterate over each geometrical objects in the transient selection, yielding a ObjectInstPath object for each of them
each_overlapping (class Shapes)Get all shapes that overlap the search box (region)
each_overlapping (class Shapes)Get all shapes that overlap the search box (region)
each_overlapping_inst (class Cell)Region query for the instances in "overlapping" mode
each_overlapping_shape (class Cell)Iterate all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box
each_overlapping_shape (class Cell)Iterate all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box
each_parent_cell (class Cell)Iterate over all parent cells
each_parent_inst (class Cell)Iterate over the parent instance list (which may actually be instance arrays)
each_point (class Shape)Iterate over all points of the object
each_point (class DPath)Get the points that make up the path's spine
each_point (class Path)Get the points that make up the path's spine
each_point (class SimplePolygon)Iterate over the points that make up the simple polygon
each_point (class DSimplePolygon)Iterate over the points that make up the simple polygon
each_point_hole (class Polygon)Iterate over the points that make up the nth hole
each_point_hole (class Shape)Iterate over the points of a hole contour
each_point_hole (class DPolygon)Iterate over the points that make up the nth hole
each_point_hull (class Shape)Iterate over the hull contour of the object
each_point_hull (class DPolygon)Iterate over the points that make up the hull
each_point_hull (class Polygon)Iterate over the points that make up the hull
each_shape (class Cell)Iterate all shapes of a given layer
each_shape (class Cell)Iterate all shapes of a given layer
each_top_cell (class Layout)Iterate the top cells
each_touching (class Shapes)Get all shapes that touch the search box (region)
each_touching (class Shapes)Get all shapes that touch the search box (region)
each_touching_inst (class Cell)Region query for the instances in "touching" mode
each_touching_shape (class Cell)Iterate all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box
each_touching_shape (class Cell)Iterate all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box
edge (class Shape)Instantiate the edge object
EdgeAn edge class
EdgeProcessorThe edge processor (boolean, sizing, merge)
eff_dither_pattern (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the effective dither pattern index
eff_dither_pattern (class LayerProperties)Get the effective dither pattern index
eff_fill_color (class LayerProperties)Get the effective frame color
eff_fill_color (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the effective frame color
eff_frame_color (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the effective frame color
eff_frame_color (class LayerProperties)Get the effective frame color
empty? (class DBox)Empty predicate
empty? (class Box)Empty predicate
enabled= (class ActionBase)Enable or disable the action
enabled= (class Action)Enable or disable the action
enable_edits (class MainWindow)Enable or disable edits
enable_edits (class LayoutView)Enable or disable editing
end_changes (class Layout)Cancel the "in changes" state (see "start_changes")
end_ext (class DPath)Get the end extension
end_ext (class Path)Get the end extension
end_ext= (class DPath)Set the end extension
end_ext= (class Path)Set the end extension
end_layers (class LayoutView)End iterator for the layers
enlarge (class Box)Enlarges the box by a certain amount.
enlarge (class DBox)Enlarges the box by a certain amount.
enlarge (class Edge)Enlarges the edge.
enlarge (class DEdge)Enlarges the edge.
enlarged (class DEdge)Returns the enlarged edge
enlarged (class DBox)Enlarges the box by a certain amount.
enlarged (class Edge)Returns the enlarged edge
enlarged (class Box)Enlarges the box by a certain amount.
erase (class Cell)Erase the instance given by the Instance object
erase (class Shapes)Erase the shape pointed to by the given Shape object
erase_cellview (class LayoutView)Erase the cellview with the given index
exec (class BrowserDialog)Execute the HTML browser dialog as a modal window
exec (class Application)Execute the application's main loop
exit (class MainWindow)Schedule an exit for the application



FileDialogVarious methods to request a file name
filename (class CellView)Get filename associated with the layout behind the cellview
fill_brightness (class LayerProperties)Get the fill brightness value
fill_brightness (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the fill brightness value
fill_brightness= (class LayerProperties)Set the fill brightness
fill_brightness= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the fill brightness
fill_color (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the fill color
fill_color (class LayerProperties)Get the fill color
fill_color= (class LayerProperties)Set the fill color to the given value
fill_color= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the fill color to the given value
first_child (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Obtain the iterator pointing to the first child
flat (class LayerPropertiesNode)return the "flattened" object
fmt (class Annotation)Returns the format used for the label
fmt= (class Annotation)Set the format used for the label
fmt_x (class Annotation)Returns the format used for the x-axis label
fmt_x= (class Annotation)Set the format used for the x-axis label
fmt_y (class Annotation)Returns the format used for the y-axis label
fmt_y= (class Annotation)Set the format used for the y-axis label
font (class Text)Get the font number
font (class DText)Get the font number
font= (class DText)Set the font number
font= (class Text)Set the font number
format (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the format name
format= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Select a format
frame_brightness (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the frame brightness value
frame_brightness (class LayerProperties)Get the frame brightness value
frame_brightness= (class LayerProperties)Set the frame brightness
frame_brightness= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the frame brightness
frame_color (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the frame color
frame_color (class LayerProperties)Get the frame color
frame_color= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the frame color to the given value
frame_color= (class LayerProperties)Set the frame color to the given value
from_dbox (class Box)Construct an integer box from a floating-point coordinate box
from_dedge (class Edge)Construct an integer coordinate edge from a floating-point coordinate edge
from_dpath (class Path)Construct an integer-coordinate path from a floating-point coordinate one
from_dpoint (class Point)Create a double point from an integer point
from_dpoly (class Polygon)Construct an integer-coordinate polygon from a floating-point coordinate one
from_dpoly (class SimplePolygon)Construct an integer-coordinate polygon from a floating-point coordinate one
from_dtext (class Text)Construct an integer coordinate text object from a floating-point coordinate text
from_dtrans (class ICplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a floating-point transformation
from_dtrans (class Trans)Conversion constructor from a floating-point transformation
from_dtrans (class CplxTrans)Conversion constructor from an floating-point transformation
from_ibox (class DBox)Construct a floating-point coordinate box from an integer coordinate box
from_iedge (class DEdge)Construct a floating-point coordinate edge from an integer coordinate edge
from_ipath (class DPath)Construct a floating-point coordinate path from an integer coordinate one
from_ipoint (class DPoint)Create a floating-point coordinate point from an integer coordinate point
from_ipoly (class DPolygon)Construct a floating-point coordinate polygon from an integer coordinate one
from_ipoly (class DSimplePolygon)Construct a floating-point coordinate polygon from an integer coordinate one
from_itext (class DText)Construct an floating-point coordinate text object from an integer coordinate text
from_itrans (class DCplxTrans)Conversion constructor from an integer coordinate transformation
from_itrans (class DTrans)Conversion constructor from an integer coordinate transformation
from_trans (class ICplxTrans)Conversion constructor from an exact complex transformation



gds2_allow_big_records (class SaveLayoutOptions)Specifies whether to allow big records with a length of 32768 to 65535 bytes.
gds2_allow_big_records= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Allow big records with more than 32767 bytes
gds2_allow_multi_xy_records (class SaveLayoutOptions)Specifies whether to allow big polygons with multiple XY records.
gds2_allow_multi_xy_records= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Allows the use of multiple XY records in BOUNDARY elements for unlimited large polygons
gds2_box_mode= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Specify how to treat BOX records
gds2_libname (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the library name
gds2_libname= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Set the library name
gds2_max_cellname_length (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the maximum length of cell names
gds2_max_cellname_length= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Maximum length of cell names
gds2_max_vertex_count (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the maximum number of vertices for polygons to write
gds2_max_vertex_count= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Set the maximum number of vertices for polygons to write
gds2_multi_xy_records (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the property enabling multiple XY records for BOUNDARY elements
gds2_multi_xy_records= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Use multiple XY records in BOUNDARY elements for unlimited large polygons
gds2_user_units (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the user units
gds2_user_units= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Set the users units to write into the GDS file
get (class BrowserSource)Get the HTML code for a given "int" URL.
get_config (class Application)Query a configuration parameter
get_config (class LayoutView)Query a local configuration parameter
get_config_names (class Application)Query the configuration parameter names
get_current_cell_path (class LayoutView)Cell path of the current cell
get_double (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting a floating-point value
get_double_ex (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting a floating-point value with enhanced capabilities
get_existing_dir (class FileDialog)Open a dialog to select a directory
get_info (class Layout)Get the info structure for a specified layer
get_int (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting an integer value
get_int_ex (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting an integer value with enhanced capabilities
get_item (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting an item from a list
get_open_file_name (class FileDialog)Select one file for opening
get_open_file_names (class FileDialog)Select one or multiple files for opening
get_save_file_name (class FileDialog)Select one file for writing
get_string (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting a string
get_string_password (class InputDialog)Open an input dialog requesting a string without showing the actual characters entered
grid_micron (class MainWindow)Get the global grid in micron
group (class AbstractMenu)Get the group members



halo (class Marker)Get the halo flag
halo= (class Marker)Set the halo flag
has_cell? (class Layout)Tell, if the cell with a given name exists
has_children? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Test, if there are children
has_color? (class Marker)True, if the marker has a specific color
has_dither_pattern? (class LayerProperties)Test, if the dither pattern is set
has_dither_pattern? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Test, if the dither pattern is set
has_fill_color? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Test, if the frame color is set
has_fill_color? (class LayerProperties)Test, if the frame color is set
has_frame_color? (class LayerProperties)Test, if the frame color is set
has_frame_color? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Test, if the frame color is set
has_lower_hier_level? (class LayerProperties)True, if a lower hierarchy level is explicitly specified
has_lower_hier_level? (class LayerPropertiesNode)True, if a lower hierarchy level is explicitly specified
has_object_selection? (class LayoutView)Returns true, if geometrical objects (shapes or cell instances) are selected in this view
has_prop_id? (class Shape)Check, if the shape is associated with a properties Id
has_prop_id? (class Instance)Check, if the instance is associated with a properties Id
has_source_name (class LayerProperties)Tell, if a stream layer name is specified for this layer
has_source_name (class LayerPropertiesNode)Tell, if a stream layer name is specified for this layer
has_transient_object_selection? (class LayoutView)Returns true, if geometrical objects (shapes or cell instances) are selected in this view in the transient selection
has_upper_hier_level? (class LayerPropertiesNode)True, if a upper hierarchy level is explicitly specified
has_upper_hier_level? (class LayerProperties)True, if a upper hierarchy level is explicitly specified
has_value? (class IntValue)True, if a value is present
has_value? (class StringValue)True, if a value is present
has_value? (class StringListValue)True, if a value is present
has_value? (class DoubleValue)True, if a value is present
height (class DBox)The height of the box
height (class Box)The height of the box
hide (class BrowserDialog)Hide the HTML browser window
hide_cell (class LayoutView)Hide the given cell for the given cellview
hierarchy_levels (class Cell)Return the number of hierarchy levels below (expensive)
holes (class DPolygon)Get the number of holes
holes (class Shape)Return the number of holes
holes (class Polygon)Get the number of holes
hull= (class Polygon)Set the points of the hull of polygon
hull= (class DPolygon)Set the points of the hull of polygon



icon= (class ActionBase)Set the icon to the given picture
icon= (class Action)Set the icon to the given picture
icon_text (class ActionBase)Get the icon's text
icon_text (class Action)Get the icon's text
icon_text= (class Action)Set the icon's text
icon_text= (class ActionBase)Set the icon's text
ICplxTransA complex transformation
id (class LayerPropertiesNode)Obtain the unique ID
info (class MessageBox)Open a information message box
InputDialogVarious methods to open a dialog requesting data entry
insert (class Shapes)Insert a edge into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a box into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a path into the shapes list
insert (class Cell)Insert a cell instance given by another reference
insert (class Shapes)Insert a simple polygon with properties into the shapes list
insert (class Cell)Insert a cell instance (array)
insert (class Cell)Insert a cell instance (array) with properties
insert (class Shapes)Insert a text with properties into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a text into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a simple polygon into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a shape from a shape reference into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a polygon with properties into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a polygon into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a edge with properties into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a path with properties into the shapes list
insert (class Shapes)Insert a box with properties into the shapes list
insert_annotation (class LayoutView)Insert an annotation object into the given view
insert_box (class Shapes)Insert a box into the shapes list
insert_box_with_properties (class Shapes)Insert a box with properties into the shapes list
insert_edge (class Shapes)Insert a edge into the shapes list
insert_edge_with_properties (class Shapes)Insert a edge with properties into the shapes list
insert_hole (class Polygon)Insert a hole with the given points
insert_hole (class DPolygon)Insert a hole with the given points
insert_item (class AbstractMenu)Insert a new item before the one given by the path
insert_layer (class Layout)Insert a new layer with the given properties
insert_layer (class LayoutView)Insert the given layer properties node into the list before the given position
insert_layer_at (class Layout)Insert a new layer with the given properties at the given index
insert_menu (class AbstractMenu)Insert a new submenu before the item given by the path
insert_path (class Shapes)Insert a path into the shapes list
insert_path_with_properties (class Shapes)Insert a path with properties into the shapes list
insert_polygon (class Shapes)Insert a polygon into the shapes list
insert_polygon_with_properties (class Shapes)Insert a polygon with properties into the shapes list
insert_separator (class AbstractMenu)Insert a new separator before the item given by the path
insert_simple_polygon (class Shapes)Insert a simple polygon into the shapes list
insert_simple_polygon_with_properties (class Shapes)Insert a simple polygon with properties into the shapes list
insert_special_layer (class Layout)Insert a new special layer with the given properties
insert_special_layer_at (class Layout)Insert a new special layer with the given properties at the given index
insert_text (class Shapes)Insert a text into the shapes list
insert_text_with_properties (class Shapes)Insert a text with properties into the shapes list
inside (class DPolygon)Test, if the given point is inside the polygon
inside (class DSimplePolygon)Test, if the given point is inside the polygon
inside (class SimplePolygon)Test, if the given point is inside the polygon
inside (class Polygon)Test, if the given point is inside the polygon
inside? (class Box)Test if this box is inside the argument box
inside? (class DBox)Test if this box is inside the argument box
inst (class ObjectInstPath)Deliver the instance represented by this selection
inst (class ParentInstArray)Compute the inverse instance by which the parent is seen from the child
InstanceAn instance proxy
instance (class Application)Return the singleton instance of the application
InstElementAn element in an instantiation path
inst_path (class Application)Return the application's installation path (where the executable is located)
intersect? (class DEdge)Intersection test.
intersect? (class Edge)Intersection test.
IntValueEncapsulate an integer value
invert (class Trans)In-place inversion
invert (class DTrans)In-place inversion
invert (class CplxTrans)In-place inversion
invert (class DCplxTrans)In-place inversion
invert (class CellInstArray)Invert an array reference
invert (class ICplxTrans)In-place inversion
inverted (class DCplxTrans)Inversion
inverted (class ICplxTrans)Inversion
inverted (class Trans)Inversion
inverted (class CplxTrans)Inversion
inverted (class DTrans)Inversion
is_array_member? (class Shape)Returns true, if the shape referenced is a member of a shape array
is_box? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a box
is_cell_hidden (class LayoutView)Tell, if the cell is hidden
is_cell_inst? (class ObjectInstPath)True, if this selection represents a cell instance
is_checkable? (class ActionBase)"is_checkable" attribute
is_checkable? (class Action)"is_checkable" attribute
is_checked? (class ActionBase)"is_checked" attribute
is_checked? (class Action)"is_checked" attribute
is_complex? (class CellInstArray)Test, if the array is a complex array
is_complex? (class Instance)Test, if the array is a complex array
is_const? (class Method)True, if this method does not alter the object
is_creating_other_layers? (class LoadLayoutOptions)Tell whether other layers should be created.
is_degenerate? (class DEdge)Test for degenerated edge
is_degenerate? (class Edge)Test for degenerated edge
is_edge? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a edge
is_editable? (class Application)Return true if the application is in editable mode
is_enabled? (class Action)"is_enabled" attribute
is_enabled? (class ActionBase)"is_enabled" attribute
is_equivalent? (class LayerInfo)Equivalence of two layer info objects
is_iter? (class ArgType)(Return value only) True, if the return value is an iterator rendering the given type
is_leaf? (class Cell)Tell if the cell is a leaf cell
is_mag? (class DCplxTrans)Test, if the transformation is a magnifying one
is_mag? (class CplxTrans)Test, if the transformation is a magnifying one
is_mag? (class ICplxTrans)Test, if the transformation is a magnifying one
is_mapped? (class LayerMap)Check, if a given physical layer is mapped.
is_menu (class AbstractMenu)Query if an item is a menu
is_mirror? (class Trans)Accessor to the mirror flag
is_mirror? (class DCplxTrans)Accessor to the mirror flag
is_mirror? (class ICplxTrans)Accessor to the mirror flag
is_mirror? (class CplxTrans)Accessor to the mirror flag
is_mirror? (class DTrans)Accessor to the mirror flag
is_named? (class LayerInfo)Return true, if the layer is purely specified by name.
is_null? (class LayerPropertiesIterator)"is null" predicate
is_null? (class Instance)Check, if the instance is a valid one
is_null? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy is a null object
is_ortho? (class CplxTrans)Test, if the transformation is an orthogonal transformation
is_ortho? (class ICplxTrans)Test, if the transformation is an orthogonal transformation
is_ortho? (class DCplxTrans)Test, if the transformation is an orthogonal transformation
is_parallel? (class DEdge)Test for being parallel
is_parallel? (class Edge)Test for being parallel
is_path? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a path
is_point? (class Box)Return true, if the box is a single point
is_point? (class DBox)Return true, if the box is a single point
is_polygon? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a polygon
is_properties_enabled? (class LoadLayoutOptions)Tell whether properties should be read.
is_ref? (class ArgType)True, if the type is a reference to the given type
is_regular_array? (class CellInstArray)Test, if this instance is a regular array
is_regular_array? (class Instance)Test, if this instance is a regular array
is_round? (class Path)Tell, if the path has round ends
is_round? (class DPath)Tell, if the path has round ends
is_simple_polygon? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a simple polygon
is_special_layer? (class Layout)Tell, if a layer index is a special layer index
is_static? (class Method)True, if this method is static (a class method)
is_text? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a text
is_text_enabled? (class LoadLayoutOptions)Tell whether text objects should be read.
is_top? (class Cell)Tell if the cell is a top-level cell
is_unity? (class DCplxTrans)Test, whether this is a unit transformation
is_unity? (class CplxTrans)Test, whether this is a unit transformation
is_unity? (class ICplxTrans)Test, whether this is a unit transformation
is_user_object? (class Shape)Test if the shape proxy points to a user object
is_valid (class AbstractMenu)Query if a path is a valid one
is_valid? (class Cell)Test if the given Instance object is still pointing to a valid object
is_valid? (class CellView)Test if the view points to a valid cell
is_valid? (class Shapes)Test if the given Shape object is still pointing to a valid object
is_valid_layer? (class Layout)Tell, if a layer index is a valid index
is_vector? (class ArgType)True, if the type is a vector of the basic type
is_visible? (class Action)"is_visible" attribute
is_visible? (class ActionBase)"is_visible" attribute
items (class AbstractMenu)Get the subitems for a given submenu
itrans (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Get the current transformation by which the shapes must be transformed into the initial cell



last_child (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Obtain the iterator pointing to the last child
layer (class ObjectInstPath)Accessor to the layer index that describes which layer the selected shape is on
layer (class LayerInfo)Read accessor for the layer number
layer= (class LayerInfo)Set the layer number
LayerInfoA structure encapsulating the layer properties
LayerMapAn object representing an arbitrary mapping of physical layers to logical layers
LayerPropertiesThe layer properties structure
LayerPropertiesIteratorFlat layer iterator
LayerPropertiesNodeA layer properties node structure
layers (class Layout)Return the number of layers
layer_index (class LayerPropertiesNode)Access to the the layer index
layer_index (class LayerProperties)Access to the the layer index
layer_map (class LoadLayoutOptions)Access to the layer map member.
layout (class CellView)Get the reference to the layout object addressed by this view
LayoutThe layout object
LayoutViewThe view object presenting one or more layout objects
left (class DBox)The left coordinate of the box
left (class Box)The left coordinate of the box
left= (class DBox)Set the left coordinate of the box
left= (class Box)Set the left coordinate of the box
length (class Edge)The length of the edge
length (class DEdge)The length of the edge
line_width (class Marker)Get the line width of the marker
line_width= (class Marker)Set the line width of the marker
load (class BrowserDialog)Load the given URL into the browser dialog
LoadLayoutOptionsLayout reader options
load_layer_props (class LayoutView)Load the layer properties
load_layout (class LayoutView)Load a (new) file into the layout view
load_layout (class LayoutView)Load a (new) file into the layout view
load_layout (class MainWindow)Load a new layout
logical (class LayerMap)Returns the logical layer (the layer index in the layout object) for a given physical layer.
lower_hier_level (class LayerProperties)The lower hierarchy level shown
lower_hier_level (class LayerPropertiesNode)The lower hierarchy level shown
lower_hier_level= (class LayerProperties)Specify a lower hierarchy level
lower_hier_level= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Specify a lower hierarchy level



m0 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation
m0 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation
m0 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation
m0 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation
m0 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation
m135 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation
m135 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation
m135 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation
m135 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation
m135 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation
m45 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation
m45 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation
m45 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation
m45 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation
m45 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation
m90 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation
m90 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation
m90 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation
m90 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation
m90 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation
mag (class CplxTrans)Read accessor to the magnification
mag (class ICplxTrans)Read accessor to the magnification
mag (class DCplxTrans)Read accessor to the magnification
mag= (class DCplxTrans)Write accessor to the magnification
mag= (class ICplxTrans)Write accessor to the magnification
mag= (class CplxTrans)Write accessor to the magnification
MainWindowThe main application window and central controller object
main_window (class Application)Return a reference to the main window
map (class LayerMap)Maps a physical layer given by a string to a logical one.
map (class LayerMap)Maps a physical layer to a logical one.
map (class LayerMap)Maps a physical layer interval to a logical one.
mapping (class LayerMap)Returns the mapped physical layer for a given logical layer.
mapping_str (class LayerMap)Returns the mapping string for a given logical layer.
marked= (class LayerProperties)Set the marked state
marked= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the marked state
marked? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the marked state
marked? (class LayerProperties)Get the marked state
MarkerThe floating-point coordinate marker object
max_depth= (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Specify the maximum hierarchy depth to look into
max_hier (class LayoutView)Select all hierarchy levels available
max_hier_levels= (class LayoutView)Set the maximum hierarchy level up to which to display geometries
max_hier_levels? (class LayoutView)Query the maximum hierarchy level up to which to display geometries
menu (class MainWindow)Return a reference to the abstract menu
merge (class ShapeProcessor)Merge the given shapes
merge (class ShapeProcessor)Merge the given shapes
merge (class ShapeProcessor)Merge the given shapes from a layout into a shapes container
merge (class EdgeProcessor)Merge the given polygons
merge_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Merge the given shapes
merge_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Merge the given polygons
merge_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Merge the given shapes
message (class MainWindow)Display a message in the status bar
MessageBoxVarious methods to display message boxes
MethodThe interface to a method declaration
min_hier_levels= (class LayoutView)Set the minimum hierarchy level at which to display geometries
min_hier_levels? (class LayoutView)Query the minimum hierarchy level at which to display geometries
mirror= (class CplxTrans)Write accessor to the mirror flag
mirror= (class ICplxTrans)Write accessor to the mirror flag
mirror= (class DCplxTrans)Write accessor to the mirror flag
mode_and (class EdgeProcessor)boolean method's mode value for AND operation
mode_anotb (class EdgeProcessor)boolean method's mode value for A NOT B operation
mode_bnota (class EdgeProcessor)boolean method's mode value for B NOT A operation
mode_or (class EdgeProcessor)boolean method's mode value for OR operation
mode_xor (class EdgeProcessor)boolean method's mode value for XOR operation
move (class DSimplePolygon)Moves the simple polygon.
move (class DPath)Moves the path.
move (class Path)Moves the path.
move (class Box)Moves the box by a certain distance
move (class Polygon)Moves the polygon.
move (class Edge)Moves the edge.
move (class DPolygon)Moves the polygon.
move (class SimplePolygon)Moves the simple polygon.
move (class Text)Moves the text by a certain distance
move (class DText)Moves the text by a certain distance
move (class DEdge)Moves the edge.
move (class DBox)Moves the box by a certain distance
moved (class DBox)Returns the box moved by a certain distance
moved (class Text)Returns the text moved by a certain distance
moved (class SimplePolygon)Returns the moved simple polygon
moved (class DSimplePolygon)Returns the moved simple polygon
moved (class DPolygon)Returns the moved polygon
moved (class DPath)Returns the moved path
moved (class Path)Returns the moved path
moved (class Polygon)Returns the moved polygon
moved (class Edge)Returns the moved edge
moved (class DEdge)Returns the moved edge
moved (class DText)Returns the text moved by a certain distance
moved (class Box)Returns the box moved by a certain distance



na (class Instance)Return the number of instances in the 'a' axis
na (class CellInstArray)Return the number of instances in the 'a' axis
name (class CellView)Get the unique name associated with the layout behind the cellview
name (class Class)The name of the class
name (class Method)The name of the class
name (class LayerInfo)Read accessor for the layer name
name (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the name
name (class LayerProperties)Get the name
name= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the name to the given string
name= (class LayerInfo)Set the layer name
name= (class LayerProperties)Set the name to the given string
nb (class Instance)Return the number of instances in the 'b' axis
nb (class CellInstArray)Return the number of instances in the 'b' axis
new (class Path)Constructor given the points of the path's spine and the width
new (class SaveLayoutOptions)Default constructor
new (class Trans)Creates a unit transformation
new (class DTrans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag
new (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror
new (class Trans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new (class DTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new (class Trans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag
new (class DTrans)Creates a unit transformation
new (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror and two coordinate values for displacement
new (class Trans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag and two coordinate values for displacement
new (class SimplePolygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new (class SimplePolygon)Constructor given the points of the simple polygon
new (class SimplePolygon)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) polygon
new (class Point)Constructor for a point from two coordinate values
new (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance with a complex transformation
new (class Trans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror and two coordinate values for displacement
new (class Box)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) box
new (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance
new (class Trans)The standard constructor using a displacement only
new (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a displacement only
new (class DBox)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) box
new (class Box)Constructor with four coordinates
new (class InstElement)Create an instance element from an array instance pointing into a certain array member
new (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a displacement given as two coordinates
new (class Box)Constructor with two points
new (class Point)Default constructor: creates a point at 0,0
new (class DSimplePolygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new (class DSimplePolygon)Constructor given the points of the simple polygon
new (class DSimplePolygon)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) polygon
new (class Edge)Constructor with two points
new (class DPath)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) path with width 0
new (class DPath)Constructor given the points of the path's spine and the width
new (class Annotation)Create a new ruler or marker with the default attributes
new (class DPath)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width and the extensions
new (class Edge)Constructor with two coordinates given as single values
new (class DPath)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width, the extensions and the round end flag
new (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance with a complex transformation
new (class Trans)The standard constructor using a displacement given as two coordinates
new (class InstElement)Create an instance element from a single instance alone
new (class InstElement)Default constructor
new (class DCplxTrans)The standard constructor using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new (class DCplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation alone
new (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance
new (class DCplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation and a magnification
new (class DBox)Constructor with four coordinates
new (class DCplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new (class DCplxTrans)Creates a unit transformation
new (class CellInstArray)Default constructor
new (class DBox)Constructor with two points
new (class Edge)Default constructor: creates a degenerated edge 0,0 to 0,0
new (class DEdge)Constructor with two points
new (class DEdge)Constructor with two coordinates given as single values
new (class DEdge)Default constructor: creates a degenerated edge 0,0 to 0,0
new (class Polygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new (class Polygon)Constructor given the points of the polygon hull
new (class Polygon)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) polygon
new (class Marker)The constructor for a marker
new (class CplxTrans)The standard constructor using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new (class CplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation alone
new (class CplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation and a magnification
new (class CplxTrans)Constructor from a magnification
new (class Path)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) path with width 0
new (class DTrans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag and two coordinate values for displacement
new (class LayerInfo)The default constructor.
new (class Path)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width and the extensions
new (class LayerInfo)The constructor for a layer/datatype pair.
new (class Path)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width, the extensions and the round end flag
new (class CplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new (class CplxTrans)Creates a unit transformation
new (class LayerInfo)The constructor for a named layer.
new (class LayerInfo)The constructor for a named layer with layer and datatype.
new (class DText)Default constructor
new (class DPoint)Constructor for a point from two coordinate values
new (class ICplxTrans)The standard constructor using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new (class ICplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation alone
new (class ICplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation and a magnification
new (class ICplxTrans)Constructor from a magnification
new (class Text)Constructor with string, transformation, text height and font
new (class ICplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new (class ICplxTrans)Creates a unit transformation
new (class DPoint)Default constructor: creates a point at 0,0
new (class Text)Constructor with string and transformation
new (class Text)Default constructor
new (class DText)Constructor with string and transformation
new (class DPolygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new (class DPolygon)Constructor given the points of the polygon hull
new (class DPolygon)Default constructor: creates an empty (invalid) polygon
new (class DText)Constructor with string, transformation, text height and font
new (class DCplxTrans)Constructor from a magnification
new (class Trans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror
new_b (class DPolygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new_b (class DSimplePolygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new_b (class Polygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new_b (class SimplePolygon)Constructor converting a box to a polygon
new_f (class Trans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new_f (class ICplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new_f (class DTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new_f (class DCplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new_f (class CplxTrans)Conversion constructor from a fixpoint transformation
new_fu (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror
new_fu (class Trans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror
new_fxy (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror and two coordinate values for displacement
new_fxy (class Trans)The standard constructor using a code rather than angle and mirror and two coordinate values for displacement
new_html (class BrowserSource)construct a BrowserSource object with a default HTML string
new_i (class InstElement)Create an instance element from a single instance alone
new_iab (class InstElement)Create an instance element from an array instance pointing into a certain array member
new_inst (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance
new_inst_array (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance
new_inst_array_cplx (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance with a complex transformation
new_inst_cplx (class CellInstArray)Create a single cell instance with a complex transformation
new_lbrt (class Box)Constructor with four coordinates
new_lbrt (class DBox)Constructor with four coordinates
new_m (class ICplxTrans)Constructor from a magnification
new_m (class CplxTrans)Constructor from a magnification
new_m (class DCplxTrans)Constructor from a magnification
new_mrmu (class DCplxTrans)The standard constructor using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new_mrmu (class CplxTrans)The standard constructor using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new_mrmu (class ICplxTrans)The standard constructor using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new_p (class Polygon)Constructor given the points of the polygon hull
new_p (class SimplePolygon)Constructor given the points of the simple polygon
new_p (class DPolygon)Constructor given the points of the polygon hull
new_p (class DSimplePolygon)Constructor given the points of the simple polygon
new_pp (class DBox)Constructor with two points
new_pp (class Edge)Constructor with two points
new_pp (class Box)Constructor with two points
new_pp (class DEdge)Constructor with two points
new_pw (class Path)Constructor given the points of the path's spine and the width
new_pw (class DPath)Constructor given the points of the path's spine and the width
new_pwx (class Path)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width and the extensions
new_pwx (class DPath)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width and the extensions
new_pwxr (class Path)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width, the extensions and the round end flag
new_pwxr (class DPath)Constructor given the points of the path's spine, the width, the extensions and the round end flag
new_rmu (class Trans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag
new_rmu (class DTrans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag
new_rmxy (class Trans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag and two coordinate values for displacement
new_rmxy (class DTrans)The standard constructor using angle and mirror flag and two coordinate values for displacement
new_st (class Text)Constructor with string and transformation
new_st (class DText)Constructor with string and transformation
new_sthf (class Text)Constructor with string, transformation, text height and font
new_sthf (class DText)Constructor with string, transformation, text height and font
new_t (class DCplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation alone
new_t (class ICplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation alone
new_t (class CplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation alone
new_tm (class DCplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation and a magnification
new_tm (class ICplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation and a magnification
new_tm (class CplxTrans)Constructor from a simple transformation and a magnification
new_u (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a displacement only
new_u (class Trans)The standard constructor using a displacement only
new_xy (class DPoint)Constructor for a point from two coordinate values
new_xy (class Point)Constructor for a point from two coordinate values
new_xy (class DTrans)The standard constructor using a displacement given as two coordinates
new_xy (class Trans)The standard constructor using a displacement given as two coordinates
new_xyxy (class Edge)Constructor with two coordinates given as single values
new_xyxy (class DEdge)Constructor with two coordinates given as single values
next (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Increment the iterator
next (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Increment operator
next_sibling (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Move to the next sibling by a given distance
num_siblings (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Return the number of siblings



oasis_compression_level (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the OASIS compression level
oasis_compression_level= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Set the OASIS compression level
ObjectInstPathA class describing a selected shape or instance
ObserverThis class implements an event handler for use with 'observer' interfaces
ObserverBaseThe 'Observer' base class
ortho_length (class Edge)The orthogonal length of the edge ("manhattan-length")
ortho_length (class DEdge)The orthogonal length of the edge ("manhattan-length")
outline (class Annotation)Returns the outline style of the annotation object
outline= (class Annotation)Set the outline style used for drawing the annotation object
outline_box (class Annotation)outline_box code used by the outline method
outline_diag (class Annotation)outline_diag code used by the outline method
outline_diag_xy (class Annotation)outline_diag_xy code used by the outline method
outline_diag_yx (class Annotation)outline_diag_yx code used by the outline method
outline_xy (class Annotation)outline_xy code used by the outline method
outline_yx (class Annotation)outline_yx code used by the outline method
overlaps? (class Box)Test if this box overlaps the argument box
overlaps? (class DBox)Test if this box overlaps the argument box



p1 (class Annotation)Get the first point of the ruler or marker
p1 (class DBox)The lower left point of the box
p1 (class DEdge)The first point.
p1 (class Box)The lower left point of the box
p1 (class Edge)The first point.
p1= (class Annotation)Set the first point of the ruler or marker
p1= (class DBox)Set the lower left point of the box
p1= (class Box)Set the lower left point of the box
p2 (class DBox)The upper right point of the box
p2 (class Edge)The second point.
p2 (class Box)The upper right point of the box
p2 (class DEdge)The second point.
p2 (class Annotation)Get the second point of the ruler or marker
p2= (class Annotation)Set the second point of the ruler or marker
p2= (class Box)Set the upper right point of the box
p2= (class DBox)Set the upper right point of the box
pan_center (class LayoutView)Pan to the given point
pan_down (class LayoutView)Pan down
pan_left (class LayoutView)Pan to the left
pan_right (class LayoutView)Pan to the right
pan_up (class LayoutView)Pan upward
parent (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Obtain the parent iterator
ParentInstArrayA parent instance
parent_cells (class Cell)Report the number of parent cells
parent_cell_index (class ParentInstArray)Retrieve the reference to the parent cell
parent_cell_index (class Instance)Retrieve the reference to the parent cell
PathAn path class
path (class CellView)Get the cell's unspecific part of the path leading to the context cell
path (class Shape)Instantiate the path object
path_bgnext (class Shape)Obtain the path's "begin" extension
path_endext (class Shape)Obtain the path's "end" extension
path_length (class ObjectInstPath)Returns the length of the path (number of elements delivered by each_inst)
path_nth (class ObjectInstPath)Returns the nth element of the path (similar to each_inst but with direct access through the index)
path_width (class Shape)Obtain the path width
point (class SimplePolygon)Get a specific point of the contour@args p
PointAn integer point class
point (class DSimplePolygon)Get a specific point of the contour@args p
points (class Polygon)Get the total number of points (hull plus holes)
points (class DPolygon)Get the total number of points (hull plus holes)
points (class DSimplePolygon)Get the number of points
points (class Path)Get the number of points
points (class DPath)Get the number of points
points (class SimplePolygon)Get the number of points
points= (class Path)Set the points of the path
points= (class DPath)Set the points of the path
points= (class DSimplePolygon)Set the points of the simple polygon
points= (class SimplePolygon)Set the points of the simple polygon
points_hole (class Polygon)Get the number of points of the given hole
points_hole (class DPolygon)Get the number of points of the given hole
points_hull (class DPolygon)Get the number of points of the hull
points_hull (class Polygon)Get the number of points of the hull
point_hole (class Polygon)Get a specific point of a hole@args n,p
point_hole (class DPolygon)Get a specific point of a hole@args n,p
point_hull (class Polygon)Get a specific point of the hull@args p
point_hull (class DPolygon)Get a specific point of the hull@args p
PolygonA polygon class
polygon (class Shape)Instantiate the polygon object
polygon (class DPath)Convert the path to a polygon
polygon (class Path)Convert the path to a polygon
process_events (class Application)Process pending events
properties (class Layout)Get the properties set for a given properties ID
properties_enabled= (class LoadLayoutOptions)Specifies whether properties should be read.
properties_id (class Layout)Get the properties ID for a given properties set
prop_id (class Shape)Get the properties Id associated with the shape
prop_id (class InstElement)Accessor to the property attached to this instance.
prop_id (class Instance)Get the properties Id associated with the instance



question (class MessageBox)Open a question message box



r0 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "unrotated" transformation
r0 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "unrotated" transformation
r0 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "unrotated" transformation
r0 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "unrotated" transformation
r0 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "unrotated" transformation
r180 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r180 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r180 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r180 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r180 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r270 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r270 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r270 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r270 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r270 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r90 (class CplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r90 (class Trans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r90 (class DTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r90 (class ICplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation
r90 (class DCplxTrans)Angle/mirror code for the "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation
read (class Layout)Load the layout from the given file
read (class Layout)Load the layout from the given file with options
reader_options (class MainWindow)Access to the current reader options
read_config (class Application)Read the configuration from a file
RecursiveShapeIteratorAn iterator delivering shapes that touch or overlap the given region recursively
redraw (class MainWindow)Redraw the current view
reload (class BrowserDialog)Reload the current page
reload_layout (class LayoutView)Reload the given cellview
remove_cellview_list_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a cellview list observer
remove_cellview_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a cellview observer
remove_cell_visibility_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a cell visibility observer
remove_current_view_observer (class MainWindow)Remove an observer for the change of the "current view changed" event
remove_file_open_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a file open observer
remove_layer_list_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a layer list observer
remove_new_view_observer (class MainWindow)Remove an observer for a "new view" event
remove_selection_changed_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a selection observer
remove_stipple (class LayoutView)Remove the stipple pattern with the given index
remove_transient_selection_changed_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a transient selection observer
remove_viewport_changed_observer (class LayoutView)Remove a viewport changed observer
rename_cell (class Layout)Rename the cell with the given index to the given name
rename_cellview (class LayoutView)Rename the cellview with the given index
replace (class Shapes)Replace the given shape with an edge object
replace (class Shapes)Replace the given shape with a box
replace (class Shapes)Replace the given shape with a text object
replace (class Shapes)Replace the given shape with a path
replace (class Cell)Replace a cell instance (array) with a different one with properties
replace (class Shapes)Replace the given shape with a polygon
replace (class Cell)Replace a cell instance (array) with a different one
replace (class Shapes)Replace the given shape with a simple polygon
replace_layer_node (class LayoutView)Replace the layer node at the position given by "iter" with a new one
replace_prop_id (class Shapes)Replace (or install) the properties of a shape
replace_prop_id (class Cell)Replace (or install) the properties of a cell
reset_cell (class CellView)Reset the cell
reset_color (class Marker)Reset the color of the marker
reset_title (class LayoutView)Reset the title to the standard title
resize (class MainWindow)Resize the window
restore_session (class MainWindow)Restore a session from the given file
ret_type (class Method)The return type of this method
right (class DBox)The right coordinate of the box
right (class Box)The right coordinate of the box
right= (class DBox)Set the right coordinate of the box
right= (class Box)Set the right coordinate of the box
rot (class CplxTrans)Return the respective rotation code if possible
rot (class ICplxTrans)Return the respective rotation code if possible
rot (class DCplxTrans)Return the respective rotation code if possible
rot (class Trans)Accessor to the angle/mirror code
rot (class DTrans)Accessor to the angle/mirror code
round= (class Path)Set the 'round ends' flag
round= (class DPath)Set the 'round ends' flag
round_path? (class Shape)Returns true, if the path has round ends



SaveLayoutOptionsOptions for saving layouts
save_as (class LayoutView)Save a layout to the given stream file
save_image (class LayoutView)Save the layout as an image to the given file
save_layer_props (class LayoutView)Save the layer properties
save_screenshot (class LayoutView)Save a screenshot to the given file
save_session (class MainWindow)Save the session to the given file
scale_factor (class SaveLayoutOptions)Get the scaling factor currently set
scale_factor= (class SaveLayoutOptions)Set the scaling factor for the saving
selected_layers (class LayoutView)Get the selected layers
select_all_cells (class SaveLayoutOptions)Select all cells to save
select_all_layers (class SaveLayoutOptions)Select all layers to be saved
select_all_layers (class LoadLayoutOptions)Select all layers
select_cell (class LayoutView)Select a cell by index for a certain cell view
select_cell_path (class LayoutView)Select a cell by cell index for a certain cell view
select_view (class MainWindow)Select the view with the given index
seq (class ObjectInstPath)The sequence number
set_active_cellview_index (class LayoutView)Make the cellview with the given index the active one (shown in hierarchy browser)
set_box (class Marker)Set the box the marker is to display
set_caption (class BrowserDialog)Set the caption of the window
set_cell (class CellView)Set the path to the given cell
set_cell_name (class CellView)Set the cell by name
set_config (class LayoutView)Set a local configuration parameter with the given name to the given value
set_config (class Application)Set a configuration parameter with the given name to the given value
set_context_path (class CellView)Set the context path explicitly
set_current_cell_path (class LayoutView)Set the path to the current cell
set_edge (class Marker)Set the edge the marker is to display
set_home (class BrowserDialog)Set the browser's initial and current URL which is selected if the "home" location is choosen
set_info (class Layout)Set the info structure for a specified layer
set_layer_map (class LoadLayoutOptions)Set a layer map
set_layer_properties (class LayoutView)Set the layer properties of the layer pointed to by the iterator
set_path (class Marker)Set the path the marker is to display
set_path (class CellView)Set the unspecific part of the path explicitly
set_polygon (class Marker)Set the polygon the marker is to display
set_size (class BrowserDialog)Set the size of the dialog window
set_source (class BrowserDialog)Connect to a source object
set_text (class Marker)Set the text the marker is to display
set_title (class LayoutView)Set the title of the view
shape (class ObjectInstPath)Accessor to the shape object that describes the selected shape geometrically
ShapeA shape proxy
shape (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Get the current shape
ShapeProcessorThe shape processor (boolean, sizing, merge on shapes)
shapes (class Cell)Return the shapes list of the given layer
ShapesA collection of shapes
shape_flags= (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Specify the shape selection flags
shortcut (class Action)Get the keyboard shortcut
shortcut (class ActionBase)Get the keyboard shortcut
shortcut= (class Action)Set the keyboard shortcut
shortcut= (class ActionBase)Set the keyboard shortcut
show (class BrowserDialog)Show the HTML browser window in a non-modal way
show_all_cells (class LayoutView)Make all cells shown (cancel effects of hide_cell)
show_cell (class LayoutView)Show the given cell for the given cellview (cancel effect of hide_cell)
side_of (class Edge)Side of the pointdistanc
side_of (class DEdge)Side of the pointdistanc
signal (class Observer)This method is called when the event without value is issued
signal_int (class Observer)This method is called when an event associated with an integer is issued
SimplePolygonA simple polygon class
simple_merge (class EdgeProcessor)Merge the given edges in a simple "non-zero wrapcount" fashion
simple_merge (class EdgeProcessor)Merge the given polygons in a simple "non-zero wrapcount" fashion
simple_merge_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Merge the given polygons in a simple "non-zero wrapcount" fashion into polygons
simple_merge_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Merge the given edges in a simple "non-zero wrapcount" fashion into polygons
simple_polygon (class Shape)Instantiate the simple polygon object
simple_polygon (class Path)Convert the path to a simple polygon
simple_polygon (class DPath)Convert the path to a simple polygon
size (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size (class Polygon)Sizing (biasing)
size (class DPolygon)Sizing (biasing)
size (class Text)Get the text height
size (class DPolygon)Sizing (biasing)
size (class EdgeProcessor)Size the given polygons
size (class Polygon)Sizing (biasing)
size (class DText)Get the text height
size (class EdgeProcessor)Size the given polygons (isotropic)
size (class ShapeProcessor)Sizing operation on shapes from layouts
size (class CellInstArray)The number of single instances in the array
size (class ShapeProcessor)Sizing operation on shapes from layouts
size (class Instance)The number of single instances in the instance array
size (class Shapes)Report the number of shapes in this container
size= (class Text)Set the text height of this object
size= (class DText)Set the text height of this object
size_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
size_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Size the given polygons into polygons
size_to_polygon (class EdgeProcessor)Size the given polygons into polygons (isotropic)
size_to_polygon (class ShapeProcessor)Size the given shapes
snap= (class Annotation)Set the 'snap to objects' attribute.
snap? (class Annotation)Return the 'snap to objects' attribute.
source (class LayerPropertiesNode)The source specification
source (class LayerProperties)The source specification
source (class ObjectInstPath)Returns to the cell index of the cell that the selected element resides inside.
source= (class LayerProperties)Load the source specification from a string
source= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Load the source specification from a string
source_cellview (class LayerProperties)Get the cellview index that this layer refers to
source_cellview (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the cellview index that this layer refers to
source_cellview= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the cellview index that this layer refers to
source_cellview= (class LayerProperties)Set the cellview index that this layer refers to
source_datatype (class LayerProperties)Get the stream datatype that the shapes are taken from
source_datatype (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the stream datatype that the shapes are taken from
source_datatype= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the stream datatype that the shapes are taken from
source_datatype= (class LayerProperties)Set the stream datatype that the shapes are taken from
source_layer (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the stream layer that the shapes are taken from
source_layer (class LayerProperties)Get the stream layer that the shapes are taken from
source_layer= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the stream layer that the shapes are taken from
source_layer= (class LayerProperties)Set the stream layer that the shapes are taken from
source_layer_index (class LayerProperties)Get the layer index that the shapes are taken from
source_layer_index (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the layer index that the shapes are taken from
source_layer_index= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the layer index specification that the shapes are taken from
source_layer_index= (class LayerProperties)Set the layer index specification that the shapes are taken from
source_name (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the stream name that the shapes are taken from
source_name (class LayerProperties)Get the stream name that the shapes are taken from
source_name= (class LayerProperties)Set the stream layer name that the shapes are taken from
source_name= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the stream layer name that the shapes are taken from
source_trans (class ObjectInstPath)Accessor to the transformation applicable for an instance and shape.
specific_cplx_trans (class InstElement)Returns the specific complex transformation for this instance
specific_trans (class InstElement)Returns the specific transformation for this instance
sq_distance (class Point)The square euclidian distance to another point
sq_distance (class DPoint)The square euclidian distance to another point
sq_length (class DEdge)The square of the length of the edge
sq_length (class Edge)The square of the length of the edge
start_changes (class Layout)Signal the start of an operation bringing the layout into invalid state
stop (class LayoutView)Stop redraw thread and close any browsers
stop_redraw (class LayoutView)Stop the redraw thread
string (class DText)Get the text string
string (class Text)Get the text string
string= (class DText)Assign a text string to this object
string= (class Text)Assign a text string to this object
StringListValueEncapsulate a string list
StringValueEncapsulate a string value
style (class Annotation)Returns the style of the annotation object
style= (class Annotation)Set the style used for drawing the annotation object
style_arrow_both (class Annotation)style_arrow_both code used by the style method
style_arrow_end (class Annotation)style_arrow_end code used by the style method
style_arrow_start (class Annotation)style_arrow_start code used by the style method
style_line (class Annotation)style_line code used by the style method
style_ruler (class Annotation)style_ruler code used by the style method
swap (class Cell)Swap the layers given
swap_points (class DEdge)Swap the points of the edge
swap_points (class Edge)Swap the points of the edge
synchroneous= (class MainWindow)Put the main window into synchroneous mode
s_all (class Shapes)
s_all_with_properties (class Shapes)
s_boxes (class Shapes)
s_edges (class Shapes)
s_paths (class Shapes)
s_polygons (class Shapes)
s_properties (class Shapes)
s_texts (class Shapes)
s_trans (class ICplxTrans)Extract the simple transformation part
s_trans (class CplxTrans)Extract the simple transformation part
s_trans (class DCplxTrans)Extract the simple transformation part
s_user_objects (class Shapes)



text (class Annotation)Return the formatted text for the main label.
text (class Shape)Instantiate the text object
TextA text object
text_enabled= (class LoadLayoutOptions)Specifies whether text objects should be read.
text_font (class Shape)Obtain the text's font
text_size (class Shape)Obtain the text size
text_string (class Shape)Obtain the text string
text_trans (class Shape)Obtain the text transformation
text_x (class Annotation)Return the formatted text for the x-axis label.
text_y (class Annotation)Return the formatted text for the y-axis label.
title (class LayoutView)Return the view's title string
title (class ActionBase)Get the title
title (class Action)Get the title
title= (class Action)Set the title
title= (class ActionBase)Set the title
top (class DBox)The top coordinate of the box
top (class Box)The top coordinate of the box
top= (class DBox)Set the top coordinate of the box
top= (class Box)Set the top coordinate of the box
touches? (class DBox)Test if this box touches the argument box
touches? (class Box)Test if this box touches the argument box
to_f (class DoubleValue)Get the actual value (a synonym for value)
to_i (class IntValue)Get the actual value (a synonym for value)
to_s (class Instance)Create a string showing the contents of the reference
to_s (class Point)String conversion
to_s (class ICplxTrans)String conversion
to_s (class Polygon)Convert to a string
to_s (class DBox)Convert to a string
to_s (class CplxTrans)String conversion
to_s (class DSimplePolygon)Convert to a string
to_s (class DEdge)Convert to a string
to_s (class LayerInfo)Convert the layer info object to a string
to_s (class Box)Convert to a string
to_s (class DPath)Convert to a string
to_s (class Trans)String conversion
to_s (class SimplePolygon)Convert to a string
to_s (class DPolygon)Convert to a string
to_s (class Edge)Convert to a string
to_s (class Text)Convert to a string
to_s (class ArgType)Convert to a string
to_s (class Shape)Create a string showing the contents of the reference
to_s (class DPoint)String conversion
to_s (class Path)Convert to a string
to_s (class DTrans)String conversion
to_s (class StringValue)Get the actual value (a synonym for value)
to_s (class DCplxTrans)String conversion
to_s (class DText)Convert to a string
to_sibling (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Move to the sibling with the given index
trans (class LayerProperties)Get the transformations that the layer is transformed with
trans (class RecursiveShapeIterator)Get the current transformation by which the shapes must be transformed into the initial cell
trans (class DCplxTrans)The transformation of a point
trans (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the transformations that the layer is transformed with
trans (class Trans)The transformation of a point
trans (class Instance)Get the transformation of the first instance in the array
trans (class ObjectInstPath)Accessor to the transformation applicable for the shape.
trans (class ICplxTrans)The transformation of a point
trans (class CplxTrans)The transformation of a point
TransA simple transformation
trans (class CellInstArray)Get the transformation of the first instance in the array
trans (class DText)Get the transformation
trans (class Text)Get the transformation
trans (class DTrans)The transformation of a point
trans= (class DText)Assign a transformation (text position and orientation) to this object
trans= (class LayerProperties)Set the transformations that the layer is transformed with
trans= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the transformations that the layer is transformed with
trans= (class Text)Assign a transformation (text position and orientation) to this object
transacting (class LayoutView)Tell if a transaction is ongoing
transaction (class LayoutView)Begin a transaction
transform (class Shapes)Transform the shape given by the reference with the given transformation
transform (class Cell)Transform the instance given by the instance with the given complex transformation
transform (class Cell)Transform the instance given by the instance with the given transformation
transform (class Shapes)Transform the shape given by the reference with the given complex transformation
transformed (class DText)Transform the text with the given simple transformation
transformed (class Path)Transform the path.
transformed (class Box)Transform the box with the given simple transformation
transformed (class Polygon)Transform the polygon
transformed (class Text)Transform the text with the given simple transformation
transformed (class SimplePolygon)Transform the simple polygon.
transformed (class DPath)Transform the path.
transformed (class DSimplePolygon)Transform the simple polygon.
transformed (class DBox)Transform the box with the given simple transformation
transformed (class Edge)Transform the edge.
transformed (class DPolygon)Transform the polygon
transformed (class DEdge)Transform the edge.
transformed (class Annotation)Transform the ruler or marker with the given simple transformation
transformed_cplx (class Polygon)Transform the polygon with a complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class Annotation)Transform the ruler or marker with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class DEdge)Transform the edge.
transformed_cplx (class Annotation)Transform the ruler or marker with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class SimplePolygon)Transform the simple polygon.
transformed_cplx (class DText)Transform the text with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class Text)Transform the text with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class DPolygon)Transform the polygon with a complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class DSimplePolygon)Transform the simple polygon.
transformed_cplx (class Polygon)Transform the polygon with a complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class Path)Transform the path.
transformed_cplx (class SimplePolygon)Transform the simple polygon.
transformed_cplx (class DPath)Transform the path.
transformed_cplx (class Edge)Transform the edge.
transformed_cplx (class Box)Transform the box with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class Box)Transform the box with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class Path)Transform the path.
transformed_cplx (class Edge)Transform the edge.
transformed_cplx (class DBox)Transform the box with the given complex transformation
transformed_cplx (class Text)Transform the text with the given complex transformation
transparent= (class LayerProperties)Set the transparency state
transparent= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the transparency state
transparent? (class LayerProperties)Get the transparency state
transparent? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the transparency state
trigger (class Action)Trigger the action programmatically
trigger (class ActionBase)Trigger the action programmatically
triggered (class Action)This method is called if the menu item is selected
type (class Shape)Return the type of the shape reference
type (class ArgType)Return the basic type (see t_.. constants)
t_bool (class ArgType)
t_box (class Shape)
t_box_array (class Shape)
t_box_array_member (class Shape)
t_double (class ArgType)
t_edge (class Shape)
t_int (class ArgType)
t_long (class ArgType)
t_longlong (class ArgType)
t_null (class Shape)
t_object (class ArgType)
t_object_cref (class ArgType)
t_object_new (class ArgType)
t_object_ref (class ArgType)
t_path (class Shape)
t_path_ptr_array (class Shape)
t_path_ptr_array_member (class Shape)
t_path_ref (class Shape)
t_polygon (class Shape)
t_polygon_ptr_array (class Shape)
t_polygon_ptr_array_member (class Shape)
t_polygon_ref (class Shape)
t_short_box (class Shape)
t_short_box_array (class Shape)
t_short_box_array_member (class Shape)
t_simple_polygon (class Shape)
t_simple_polygon_ptr_array (class Shape)
t_simple_polygon_ptr_array_member (class Shape)
t_simple_polygon_ref (class Shape)
t_string (class ArgType)
t_string_ccptr (class ArgType)
t_text (class Shape)
t_text_ptr_array (class Shape)
t_text_ptr_array_member (class Shape)
t_text_ref (class Shape)
t_uint (class ArgType)
t_ulong (class ArgType)
t_user_object (class Shape)
t_var (class ArgType)
t_void (class ArgType)



under_construction (class Layout)Tell if the layout object is under construction
up (class LayerPropertiesIterator)Move up
update (class Layout)Update the internals of the layout
update_content (class LayoutView)Update the layout view to the current state
upper_hier_level (class LayerProperties)The upper hierarchy level shown
upper_hier_level (class LayerPropertiesNode)The upper hierarchy level shown
upper_hier_level= (class LayerProperties)Specify a upper hierarchy level
upper_hier_level= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Specify a upper hierarchy level



value (class IntValue)Get the actual value
value (class StringValue)Get the actual value
value (class StringListValue)Get the actual value (a list of strings)
value (class DoubleValue)Get the actual value
version (class Application)Return the application's version string
vertex_size (class Marker)Get the vertex size of the marker
vertex_size= (class Marker)Set the vertex size of the marker
view (class MainWindow)Return a reference to a view object by index
viewport_height (class LayoutView)Return the viewport height in pixels
viewport_trans (class LayoutView)Return the transformation that converts micron coordinates to pixels
viewport_width (class LayoutView)Return the viewport width in pixels
views (class MainWindow)Return the number of views
visible= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the visibility state
visible= (class LayerProperties)Set the visibility state
visible= (class ActionBase)Show or hide
visible= (class Action)Show or hide
visible? (class LayerProperties)Get the visibility state
visible? (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the visibility state



warning (class MessageBox)Open a warning message box
width (class Path)Get the width
width (class Box)The width of the box
width (class LayerPropertiesNode)Get the line width
width (class DBox)The width of the box
width (class DPath)Get the width
width (class LayerProperties)Get the line width
width= (class Path)Set the width
width= (class LayerProperties)Set the line width to the given width
width= (class DPath)Set the width
width= (class LayerPropertiesNode)Set the line width to the given width
write (class Layout)Write the layout to a stream file
write_config (class Application)Write configuration to a file



x (class DPoint)Accessor to the x coordinate
x (class Point)Accessor to the x coordinate
x1 (class Edge)Shortcut for p1.x
x1 (class DEdge)Shortcut for p1.x
x2 (class DEdge)Shortcut for p2.x
x2 (class Edge)Shortcut for p2.x
x= (class DPoint)Write accessor to the x coordinate
x= (class Point)Write accessor to the x coordinate



y (class DPoint)Accessor to the y coordinate
y (class Point)Accessor to the y coordinate
y1 (class Edge)Shortcut for p1.y
y1 (class DEdge)Shortcut for p1.y
y2 (class Edge)Shortcut for p2.y
y2 (class DEdge)Shortcut for p2.y
y= (class Point)Write accessor to the y coordinate
y= (class DPoint)Write accessor to the y coordinate



zoom_box (class LayoutView)Set the viewport to the given box
zoom_fit (class LayoutView)Fit the contents of the current view into the window
zoom_in (class LayoutView)Zoom in somewhat
zoom_out (class LayoutView)Zoom out somewhat